Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Don't Finish It!

"Hey Elizabeth, thanks for you tip about not finishing stuff!"
"Yeah I get a lot more done when I don't finish things and just walk away."

Doesn't sound quite right dose it. Well, that's our fearless leader Alison, my mother, thanking me in all seriousness. Earlier this week I passed on a writing tip someone had given me.

"Never stop a project with a full sentence or complete thought if it's not finished. If you do you'll be much more likely to get stuck at that point and not return to the train of thought you had before."

She has interpreted this as don't finish or print the invoice if you have to walk away. Don't close the folder yet. Don't finish the thought in just about anything if it's not completely done. Surprisingly, Alison  is much more efficient by "not finishing stuff."

 So note to all: don't finish stuff and it is sure to get done!

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